Resource Links

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has up to date information on the evolving COVID-19 pandemic.

Travel Advisories - Travel.State.Gov US Department of State

For Information on travel advisory levels for any country in the world visit Travel Advisories at the Travel.State.Gov US Department of State.

Destinations |Travelers’ Health | CDC

For information about vaccinations required or suggested for countries, visit the Destinations Travelers’ Health at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Visa Quick Check

Use Visa Quick Check to determine if a Tourist Visa is required for your destination.

XE Currency Converter

Use this Currency Converter to convert your native currency to the currency of your travel destination.

COVID-19 Travel Advisory for New York State

The New York State Health Department has up to date Travel Advisory and Guidance information about COVID-19 with respect to New York State.